How Do You Manage Travelling with Small Children?

First published: 23 December 2021 @ 6:00 pm

Many families are travelling with small children on a regular basis. It is a fun and enriching experience for kids, but how do you make sure you are ready for all the activities that may be involved?

There are many ways of travelling with children, and each family will find their own method that works best for them.

Here are some quick tips for managing travel with kids and how you can make sure your trip goes smoothly without any difficulties or problems for you or your babies:

How Do You Manage Travelling with Small Children?
Source: Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash 

1. Packing 

The first thing you need to know is that when travelling with small children, packing light works wonders! Use 3 carry-on bags (a 2-3 day trip usually means 3 carry-on bags).

Pack clothing that is easy to wash in case of an accident (they get messy), small toys, and any other items that are easily portable.

Be sure to pack a blanket in case you have to wait in an airport for a long time. Also, if you have little ones with carsick tendency, pack some toys or some other form of entertainment so that they don’t feel bored while travelling on long-haul flights.

And yes, don’t forget to pack extra nappies and wipes!

2. Go Slow

Be realistic about your needs. Try to keep your 2-3 day trips pretty simple. Don’t go to too many fancy places or do too many activities. Stay away from all the crazy activities when you travel.

This way, you can focus on spending extra time with your kids instead of worrying about where you’re going to sleep, what activities they’ll be able to do, etc.

This also helps you keep things organized, so you don’t have too many things going on at once! For example, if your babies want to do arts & crafts, then just do one activity instead of taking them out into nature or renting scooters or bikes.

3. Stay With Parents or Grandparents

Stay with your parents or grandparents if you can! This way, you can stay in one place for a few days instead of travelling around all day long.

Plus, staying with your parents or grandparents gives you the opportunity to try out new activities that are not easy for kids to do alone (like bowling, playing pool, playing mini golf).

It gives you an opportunity to bond with your babies in a way that you wouldn’t be able to if you were constantly travelling around.

4. Accommodation

Try a few different hotels.  If you want to save money, try the cheaper hotels in your area. If you want a nicer hotel that is still affordable, then look for something that is close to the centre of town or has a pool or has nice restaurants nearby. 

5. Be Flexible

Be flexible with how you travel! This is important because it can be difficult to plan trips around certain places. For example, you can’t plan a trip there because it is so expensive. So what do you do? Plan your trip around when you can afford to travel there! 

Try different things. For example, you can go on a road trip. When you don’t have much time to do much exploring, you can take them out into nature, take the children to museums and play at the aquariums!

6. Food

Be sure to pack your child-friendly foods for the trip ahead of time so that there is no confusion as to what they can eat during your trip.

Pack your child-friendly snacks for longer trips (such as trips that last more than 4 hours) so that kids can have a little snack on the road. Also, make sure to pack lots of healthy snacks for your kids, such as crackers or a couple of sandwiches with a piece of fruit.

7. Emergency Funds

You should prepare emergency funds in advance so that you can deal with unexpected situations such as emergency transportation and accommodation during travel.

In addition, it is also important to have a child-friendly car when travelling with children.

8. Transportation

You should take necessary safety measures such as using public transportation such as bus or subway, which will make your travel more convenient and less troublesome.

If you want to go to places far away from home, we recommend that you get a private car or rent a car when travelling with children, because renting a car may be expensive and sometimes may not be available even though it is possible for foreigners.

You can also find the contact information of the nearest hotel/resort by searching online before making reservations.

We also recommend you do not take unnecessary luggage with children. Luggage weight will affect your child’s back and shoulders when carrying heavy luggage such as a backpack.

9. Safety

You must take safety measures to protect your child from dangerous situations such as drowning and fires. Children’s fingers and toes may stick into tiny holes on various surfaces such as car doors, car windows, aeroplane seats and so on.

Adults should take necessary safety measures to prevent such accidents. In addition, it is also necessary to make sure that your child does not get into a dangerous situation, such as a fight with other children.

When travelling with small children, you also have to be aware of your surroundings at all times. If they are fussy, you can put their needs ahead of yours by doing things like taking turns driving the car or riding in the back seat of the car together.

You can make sure that they are safe by putting safety seats in the back seat or locking the doors on the vehicle before leaving.

You also need to make sure that they don’t receive injury while they are outside the vehicle, because it is hard for them to tell if they are hurt or not without seeing their injuries directly.

If you worry about your children getting lost, make sure that they have a photo of you and the address of where you are staying with them.

Make sure that your children always know where their emergency phone number is located. They should also know how to find their way back to you if they’re accidentally lost.

When travelling, it is important for you to let your children know where they can and cannot go. So. If you are travelling in a large group of people, you can let your children choose where they want to go on the trip.

When travelling, it is important for children to understand the rule that they cannot talk to strangers. Try explaining this to them so that they will not feel scared when people talk to them.

It is also important for small children to understand that they need to stay close to you while travelling because they may become scared if they are away from you for too long.

10. Have fun!

How Do You Manage Travelling with Small Children?
Source: Photo by Leo Rivas on Unsplash 

Have fun! The best way for kids to have fun is by letting them run around and play! And the best way for parents to have fun is by enjoying themselves too!

The whole point of travelling with small children is for everyone to have fun together and make memories that will last a lifetime.

This way, you can focus on enjoying each other’s company instead of stressing about the things that aren’t working out (or feeling guilty about spending money!). Plus, travelling with small children teaches kids about how fortunate they are in life.

Keeping your child happy and entertained can be a challenge when travelling with small children. However, if you are willing to invest in some extra things, then you will be able to keep your child happy and entertained while on the road!

Encourage children to move about as much as possible and try out different activities as often as possible.

The smaller the space, the more important it is for your child to have their own space, so they can move around freely and not feel overwhelmed by being around so many people.

If your child feels bored, talk about what time it is and where you are going so that he/she will have interest in learning more about what he/she sees around him/her.

Once your child starts acting up, try giving him/her a piece of candy or a special toy that they like to keep them quiet for a while.

If your child does not want you to hold them, try putting them in their car seat or pram and letting them play with the toys in the pram until you arrive at your destination.

The problem of travelling with small children is an issue that every parent has to face at some point. It is important to get an early start with it, because it takes time and practice to get good at it.

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