When can you take a newborn baby out in public?

First published: 19 December 2021 @ 6:00 pm

When can you take a newborn baby out in public? It is a very common question for new parents. If you have not been able to find the answer to this question, read on and find out the advice to this burning question.

For the first three months, it is best to keep your baby indoors and avoid going out in public with him. As a newborn baby, he has a fragile immune system and sensitivity to the cold and air pollution of the outside world.

Source: Photo by Brytny.com on Unsplash 

The decision about when you can take your newborn baby out in public depends on several factors, including whether your baby is premature or full-term.

There are two types of newborns: premature and full-term. When the baby is born, the doctor usually knows how long it will take for the baby to develop fully.

Premature Baby

The premature baby has a low birth weight and can be born before 37 weeks of pregnancy. They usually weigh less than 500 grams or 1 pound at birth.

Premature babies can be born at 22 weeks of pregnancy or before 37 weeks of pregnancy (before the due date).

They may be too small for certain things, such as drinking from a bottle, sitting up and holding their head up, and swallowing food from a spoon. Their breathing may also be too weak to support their own weight in a crib.

They cannot use a pacifier because they cannot suck on it properly yet, so they may choke on it when they sleep in cribs or when they eat in public places that have no bottle warmer or pacifier warmer in place to keep the pacifier warm while your child sleeps in your arms.

Full-term babies

Full-term babies usually weigh between 5 and 7 pounds at birth. They can sleep in a crib or bed without any special equipment. Their eyes and ears are open, and they can hear and see clearly.

Their parents can bottle-fed them with some help from the nursing staff. These babies may be able to walk and talk after a few weeks of age, although some will be unable to do so right away due to medical reasons or because they are premature.

You can take your newborn baby out in public as soon as he or she is old enough to sit up and support their head. This is usually at about four months old

Once your baby is able to sit up, you can put it in a baby carrier. A baby carrier is very comfortable for your newborn baby and will protect them from the sun. They are also good for you to take out for a walk or jog.

The best thing about using a baby carrier is that it allows you to carry the baby around with you and enjoy the day without any worries about how to hold your newborn baby. You can also go out for walks with your newborn.

Walking is very good exercise for both you and your newborn baby. You can also take a break and play in the park or on the beach with your newborn baby.

But, if you have any concerns about how your baby will behave, wait until he is at least 6 months old before you take him out in public. At this age, he should be able to understand and remember what is happening around him.

If you take him out too early, he may feel frightened and cry when other people start talking to him or interacting with him. He may not understand why other people are talking to him and may feels too scared to respond back.

Before taking your newborn baby out in public, ask yourself these questions:

1. How cold is the weather?

If it is very cold outside, your baby may get sick because of the wind chill. The body temperature of newborn babies can drop very quickly in cold weather. If it’s freezing cold outside, consider wrapping your baby in blankets or jackets before taking him out in public.

It will also help protect him from wind chill when he gets tired of being wrapped up inside your jacket or blanket while out on a walk or while at home for a nap.

Source: Photo by Garrett Jackson on Unsplash 

2. How dirty is the outside environment?

In most parts of the world, it is not a good idea to take your baby out in public if it is very dirty or smelly. The area you are going to go to is also a factor to consider.

If you are going to a grocery store, the risk of getting sick from dirty environments is not as high as going out on a walk in a forest or a beach where there are plenty of bacteria and germs floating around.

Also, keep in mind that public restrooms may not be as clean as those inside stores. If you find yourself in this situation, make sure that you wash your hands with soap and water before handling your baby.

This precaution will help prevent diseases from spreading from one person to another.

3. What about the risks?

If you find yourself in a situation where there are risks associated with being outside, make sure that you take all the necessary precautions to protect your baby before leaving him outside for any length of time.

Take extra precautions if it is very hot outside, bring extra water for your baby because he may get dehydrated very quickly and get sick if he stays out in the sun for too long.

Make sure that he has plenty of snacks on hand because his appetite may get lower after an hour or two, so be prepared to provide food when needed by giving him a bottle or a snack.

A newborn baby’s body is also still very fragile and has higher risk of injury. It will break easily if it is stepped on by accident while out in public.

Make sure that you avoid stepping on your baby’s toes or hands because this can cause damage to his body which can lead to problems later on down the road like arthritis and spina bifida (in rare cases).

You should also be careful with anything sharp or hard, like rocks, sticks, thorns, etc, because they can cut your skin if they are not handled carefully.

You should also be careful with glass or mirrors because they can cause serious injury if your baby accidentally bumps into them.

4. How tired is your baby?

If your baby is not very tired or sleeping well, he may get bored and start crying during your outing. If you do not want to deal with an upset baby, do not take him out in public.

He may also get fussy and cranky when he gets hungry, so keep an eye on him and feed him when you get home from work or at night before going to bed. This will help reduce his fussiness while you are out in public.

5. How much noise will there be?

A newborn baby does not like loud noises, You may want to avoid this type of outing if you can’t control the amount of noise around you.

Before you take your newborn baby out in public, check whether it is safe for you to do so. If you cannot be sure that it is safe, then do not take the baby out in public until you have got the right advice about it and have determined that it is safe.

Read more about baby’s development stages, newborn’s behaviour and how to develop consistent healthy habits for babies on Mature Parent blog!