6 Reasons Why You Should Let Your Children Play with Kids Their Age

First published: 21 December 2021 @ 6:00 pm

Kids need to learn about life and learn how to take care of themselves, and this includes learning how to interact with their family and peers at a young age. There are several reasons why children should be allowed to play with children their own age.

This will ensure that they grow up healthy and well-adjusted. Here are some of the benefits of letting your children play with children of their own age:

Source: Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash 

1. Children learn How to be Respectful to Others

Children often think that they can do whatever they want whenever they want to do it. Playing with kids their age teaches them that there are things in life that they can’t control and there are things that they should not do just because it seems fun at the time.

Playing with children their age will teach your child patience and tolerance. He or she will learn how to handle situations in life and to deal with things that happen. 

Children need to know about limits and boundaries from an early age so that they can respect other people’s limits and boundaries. When they play with other children, children also learn how to be respectful.

They learn how to share and not take more than their fair share. They also learn responsibility and accountability for their actions.

When your child plays with kids his or her age, he will learn the importance of being responsible for his actions and making good choices in life. They will see what it takes to make a decision, whether it is good or bad.

This means that your child will grow up faster and become a responsible adult.

2. It Provides Creative Play

Playing with other children will provide the child with opportunities to play creatively and enhance their thinking skills. For example, they can create their own games by playing with objects or each other.

Or they can invent new ways to play games or improve on the ones that are already being played.

They can also make up stories about their favourite things in life: for instance, what happens to the characters in a book when they go to bed at night or how a monster gets rid of the bad things in the world.

This is a very important aspect of developmental milestones because it teaches kids how to create something new from scratch instead of just using something that is already available.

They learn how to think creatively and invent their own solutions instead of relying on someone else’s suggestions.

Playing creatively also gives them a chance to work through any problems they may have at home or at school in a safe environment where everyone gets along well.

Kids also learn how to compromise, negotiate and resolve conflict by coming up with creative solutions to problems instead of fighting over things that really don’t matter all that much in the long run.

3. It Helps Them Develop A Sense Of Belonging

When you let your child play with kids their own age, they will be able to develop a sense of belonging and self-esteem.

For example, if a child is playing with a bunch of other kids, and they all become friends, then he will begin to feel like he belongs and this will help him develop a strong sense of self-esteem.

This is very important because it helps the child feel confident about himself so that he can handle any problems that he may have at home or at school. 

If you have a child who struggles with confidence, allowing him or her to play with kids his or her own age will also help him or her learn how to build confidence on a daily basis.

This will help your child develop the skills needed for future work environments and encourage them to have more confidence in their abilities!

4. Children Can Learn How to Communicate with Others

As children grow older, they start to learn how to communicate with others in various ways. They may not always say what they mean, but they can understand what others are saying and this helps them to improve their communication skills as well as how to work through conflict with others later on in life.

Playing with children of their own age allows them to interact with each other in a safe environment so that they can develop these skills early on without having any real-life experiences yet! The key is making sure that your child is not pushed too hard or pressured into playing because you think it is fun for them!

Let them play when they want to play, but if they are not having fun, don’t force them to continue. Playing with kids their own age also helps learn how to compromise, negotiate and resolve conflict. They will learn how to play together, share toys and have fun together.

They will be able to practice the social skills that they will need and help them interact better with others later on in life. This will help them develop into happy and successful adults.

They also learn how to work as a team. For instance, playing games like tag, hide-and-seek or chase helps build confidence and gives them a chance to work through any problems they may be having at home or at school in a safe environment. 

5. It Gives Them The Chance To Work Through Their Feelings And Emotions

This might sound like an odd reason why you should let your children play with kids their own age. When you allow your child to experience other children of their own age, they are forced to work through their feelings and emotions. For example, if a child is feeling sad because he is playing with a kid who is not his age, he can still get through this by interacting with the other children positively. By being creative and having fun, the child can get past his sadness and enjoy himself. These activities are something that cannot be done in an adult-only environment where you are restricted from interacting with other children your own age.

6. It Improves Children’s Physical Skills and Encourages Less screen time

Source: Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash 

Playing with kids their age will help children decrease their screen time, develop the right attitude towards exercise and staying fit.

You can make sure that they take enough time to exercise by allowing them to play together on a regular basis, even if it is just a simple game of tag at home.

By doing this, you can make sure that they will have the right attitude towards exercising every day and stay fit for life even if they do not have a specific sport that they want to play professionally later on in life.

Not only will it provide your child with positive peer interactions, but playing with kids their age will also improve his or her social skills, language skills and motor skills. When your child plays with another child his or her own age, he or she is learning important life lessons that will benefit him or her throughout life. 

Read more about children’s development stages, how to develop children’s social skills and how to develop consistent healthy habits for babies on Mature Parent blog!