What Should You Know When Your Child Has Pinworm Infection?

Pinworm infection is an annoying problem for both kids and adults. If you are worried that your child has pinworms, read this article.

What is Pinworm Infection?

Pinworm infection is the most common type of infections in the world.

The worm can infect the intestine of people who are at risk of infection. This includes babies, children, and adults with weak immune system or with compromised intestinal lining.

The pinworm has many ways to enter the body. It can enter the body through person’s hands, mouth, nose, and also from contaminated food and water supply.

Symptoms of Pinworm Infection

Symptoms can differ from person to person, but often include:

  • Anal itching, especially at night.
  • Irritation of anus during bowel movements.
  • Abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation and vomiting.
  • A small pinworm may look like a grain of rice and can be seen with the naked eye.

These symptoms can be more severe for babies who are less than 6 months old. They may also be more severe for adults over 50.

School-aged children with diarrhea or other intestinal infection may show more severe symptoms.

The infection is often spread from one person to another by direct contact with feces from an infected person or contaminated objects like diapers, bedding or clothing.

If you are an adult female and pregnant, your doctor will check you for the pinworm parasite.

The eggs of the parasite do not pass through the placenta, but can pass through urine and stool during pregnancy.

What Should You Know When Your Child Has Pinworm Infection?

Photo by sklei on Pexels.

What Happens If Your Child Has Been Infected?

If the infected child has been infected with pinworm for a long time, then they may have flu-like symptoms such as fever, sore throat, headache and general body aches.

The common symptoms may get worse when the parasitic worm lays eggs inside the body. These pinworm eggs will hatch in about two weeks.

This causes a flareup of the symptoms.

The pain during flare up can last for one or two weeks. However, after this time period the person will have a milder case of pinworms parasitic infection in the future.

How to Treat Pinworm Infection?

There are many ways to treat common infection naturally using no medicine or treatment method.

Some home remedies that are effective in treating pinworms are mentioned below:

1. Garlic

Garlic is one of the best natural remedies for pinworms. It can be used for treating common infections like pinworms, ringworm, and other skin conditions like eczema, dermatitis, etc.

Peel a clove of garlic and crush it with a knife or rub it on the affected area with the help of a cotton ball or tissue paper until you feel relief from the symptoms.

Do this for at least 30 minutes three times a day to get instant relief from pinworms.

2. Coconut oil

Millions of people swear by coconut oil to treat many health conditions, including pinworms. Here are a few ways to use coconut oil for pinworm treatment:

Drink coconut oil

The best way to take it is to add some oil into a glass of warm water and drink it as soon as possible after cooking or grinding.

It is important that you drink this in the morning because it will help in killing the eggs.

The best way to take it is to add some oil into a glass of warm water and drink it as soon as possible after cooking or grinding.

It is important that you drink this in the morning because it will help in killing the eggs.

Put coconut oil on your anus and massage it gently

Wash your hands after this treatment to avoid getting infections in your hands.

Apply coconut oil every night before going to bed, especially when you have large amounts of worm eggs inside your anus.

Do not wash with soap but wipe gently with wet cloth instead.

What Should You Know When Your Child Has Pinworm Infection?

Photo by Eren Li on Pexels.

3. Raw carrots

Extreme itching, irritation, and swelling are the common symptoms of pinworm infection.

To relieve the symptoms and for your pet to get rid of pinworms naturally, try feeding your kids raw carrots.

Raw carrots are rich in vitamin A and C. Vitamin A helps in controlling inflammation, which is the main reason behind itching and irritation.

Vitamin C is helpful in killing bacteria that cause infections, especially pinworms.

Also, eating raw carrots can help boost your immune system, so that you will fight off the infection and also prevent it from recurring.

Therefore, it is advisable to feed your kids raw carrots every day.

Learn More About Common Worm Infections

In conclusion, pinworms are an irritating and common problem in the world. Pinworms are parasites that can cause severe discomfort to you and your family members.

They can also be harmful to your health if left untreated for a long time.

Therefore, it is important to treat pinworms infection as soon as you notice any signs or symptoms of pinworm infection.

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