What Should I Do When My Child is Being Aggressive?

First published: 25 February 2022 @ 6:00 pm

Aggression is a behavior that is defined as the act of inflicting pain, harm, or distress on another person.

The most common form of aggression among children involves negative behaviors such as temper tantrums or pouting.

This article discusses the concept of aggression in relation to children and how parents can use positive parenting techniques to manage aggressive behavior.

Why do Children Act Aggressive?

The behavior of children is largely driven by the environment that they are in. This includes the relationship between a child and their parents, siblings, and other children in the family.

In addition, there are other factors that contribute to aggressive behavior such as gender, age, temperament, physical development, and individual differences.

Studies show that children are more likely to develop an aggressive personality if they’re subjected to a lot of stress throughout their childhood.

They may act aggressive because they have a lot of angry feelings in themselves. It could also be because they’re a sensitive child, and so they’re prone to angry outbursts.

Sometimes, an aggressive child can display such behaviors because they have behavioral disorder, such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). They may also have Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

These children show symptoms such as hyperactivity (excessive activity), inattention (lack of focus), and impulsivity (impulsiveness). Children with ADHD may also display aggressive behavior.

Regardless of why your child is acting aggressively, here are some pointers on what you can do to lessen violent behavior in children.

1. Make Sure They Live in a Good Environment

What Should I Do When My Child is Being Aggressive?
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels

Children who are raised in a safe and secure environment are less likely to be aggressive. They are also more likely to develop self-control and better social skills.

Good parents should provide their children with all the necessities in life such as food, shelter, and clothing.

Children who live in a good environment with supportive parents and siblings have better relationships with other children, adults, and peers. These children also have a higher self-esteem.

You should look at their school environment, as well. Perhaps they have been having angry outbursts as part of effects of bullying that they experience at school. Or, maybe they’re used to seeing violent behavior at their school, so they mirror it.

In this case, it’s best to move them to a different school or make a report to the school authorities so the matter can be fixed.

2. Encourage Positive Behavior

Most children are born with good behavior tendencies. When you give them positive reinforcement, they will learn to behave well.

When you tell them that they did a good job in doing their homework, for example, they will want to do it again. When you praise them for being kind to their siblings, they will do it again.

If you want your child to become a well-behaved child, you should make sure to actively encourage positive behavior.

This includes giving them positive feedback when they do good. You should also teach them how to act in a way that is pleasing to other people.

You should also model positive attitude in yourself as their parent. If your child is misbehaving, it’s best for you to stay calm and act non-aggressively towards them.

Tell them that the behavior is not acceptable and ask them to stop doing it. Also, don’t get angry if they continue the same behavior.

3. Address Their Feelings of Anger and Frustration

It’s important to address the feelings of anger and frustration that your child may have.

If they are being aggressive because they are feeling angry, then you should talk to them about it.

Children who feel angry usually act aggressively towards others. This can be because they’re unable to express their anger verbally, and so they get angry by inflicting pain on others.

For example, if your child is angry at you for not letting them go out, then you should tell them that it’s okay to feel angry but that they shouldn’t hurt others with their anger.

If your child feels frustrated and wants something but can’t get it, then you should tell them that they shouldn’t be frustrated about not getting what they want.

You should also encourage them to think of a way to get what they want.

4. Give Them More Attention

Children are more likely to behave aggressively if they don’t get enough attention from their parents.

They may feel frustrated and angry because they feel neglected. For example, if your child doesn’t get enough attention from you, then they may try to take your attention by being aggressive towards you.

Another reason why children act aggressively is because they have a lot of boredom. This can happen when the child has nothing to do at home or in school.

In this case, you should make sure that your child has enough things to do in their life so that they don’t become bored.

This could include playing with toys and other children at home, going out for playdates with friends, and doing arts and crafts at school.

5. Give Them a Proper Talking-To

What Should I Do When My Child is Being Aggressive?
Photo by Nicola Barts on Pexels

Most children become aggressive when they don’t get a proper talking-to from their parents. They may act aggressively because they’re angry at you for being mean to them.

They may also act aggressively because they feel neglected by you. It’s important to tell your child that their behavior is not acceptable and that it will be best for them to stop doing it.

It’s also important to give them a proper talking-to when they’re misbehaving. If your child is having a temper tantrum, for example, then you should tell them that the behavior is not acceptable and that they should stop doing it immediately.

In addition, if your child acts aggressively towards other children, then you should tell them that the behavior is not acceptable and that they should stop immediately.

You can also ask your child why they want to hurt others when they don’t get what they want from others. It’s important for you to ask them this question so that they will realize why their behavior is unacceptable.

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