In Potty Training, Should You Sit On It or Should You Flush It Down?

First published: 24 July 2022 @ 6:00 pm

Potty training is a huge responsibility. You have to train your child and make sure they are ready to go. So, you have to choose what is best for them.

If you want to teach them how to use the potty and when they can do it on their own, then sitting on it or flushing it down may be best for you.

The question is, which one is the right choice for your child?

Sit On It Option

In this method, you put your child on the potty, so they will learn how to sit on it. It may take a while for them to figure out how to do it, but eventually, they will.

Once they do, you should encourage them to do it on their own. You can even go with them if you want. However, if they don’t know how to sit on the potty yet, then you should not go with them or put them on it first.

Instead, put them in the bathroom with their diaper plus underwear and wait for them to figure out how to sit on the potty by themselves.

A sit on it option is better for a child's potty training
Photo by Filmreal Studio on Unsplash.

Flush It Down Option

If your child is ready for this method of potty training, then this is the best choice for you. You can have your child use the toilet before going out of the house or at school when he/she needs to go.

When they need to go again after coming home from school or playing outside at recess time, they will know what to do.

They can use the toilet again and know that everything is okay now because their diapers are clean again.

Other Potty Training Tips and Tricks

The important thing is to make sure your child is ready for potty training. If you are not sure, then consult with your pediatrician. They will help you determine what is best for your child.

They will also let you know if it is okay to use the potty or if it is not yet time for them to go on the potty.

Some signs show when your child is ready for potty training. We’ll discuss some signs below.

RELATED: What’s the Right Age to Start Potty Training?

Signs Your Child is Ready for Potty Training

1. They are old enough to understand the difference between the potty and the diaper.

2. They can sit on the potty and stay on it for a while.

3. They know how to use the toilet and how to wash their hands when they are done.

4. They have not had accidents at home or at school since they started using the potty or in a diaper or training pants at night.

If they have, then you should not go into this stage of potty training yet, but consult with your pediatrician first before going any further with it.

5. They don’t mind using the toilet when they need to go and have learned that it is okay for them to do so.

This is also called independence training. Your child will be ready for this stage once they can do these things on their own without your help.

During potty training, children can become afraid to go to toilets alone
Photo by Chastity Cortijo on Unsplash.

What to Expect During Potty Training

Potty training can be hard for your child. They may cry when they are going to use the potty. This is normal because they don’t want to do it. They may also have accidents at home or school, but that is also normal.

If you are expecting them to not have any accidents, then you will be disappointed and upset with them. Accidents happen during potty training and it’s unavoidable.

The good news is when your child is done with potty training, then they will not have any more accidents in the house or at school.

Potty Training Your Child: A Guide for Parents

You should not rush into this stage of potty training. You should take it slow and allow your child to go through this stage on their own and in their time frame as well.

This way, they will know what to do when they need to go to the toilet and know that everything is okay now because their diapers are clean again.

If you want them to use the toilet on their own or if you want them to sit on the toilet by themselves, then this is the best way for you to teach them.

Always Consult with Your Pediatrician

We know potty training is a big responsibility. It is hard to do, but it is worth it. It will make your child happier and healthier and you will have a better relationship with them.

If you are unsure of which potty training method to use, then consult with your pediatrician. They will help you determine what is best for your child and when they are ready for potty training.

Our website, Mature Parent, provides tips and advice on how to potty train your child. You can also find articles about the importance of using the toilet and about toilet training for boys and girls.

Visit our website now!