5 Lessons Your Child Needs to Learn before Taking Public Transport Alone

First published: 6 September 2021 @ 6:00 pm

Public transport is a very safe way to travel, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t teach your child how to be safe when they are on their own. The same way you tell them to always wear a seatbelt when they are in the car, you should also teach them how to be safe on public transport.

Here are 5 lessons your kids need to know before they are allowed to travel alone on public transport.

1. Public Transport is for People, Not Things

5 Lessons Your Child Needs to Learn before Taking Public Transport Alone
Photo by Free Photos on Pexels

Sometimes, when people see an empty seat beside them, they feel okay to use it as a storage for their luggage. This is not right. If your children see an empty seat beside them, tell them to not use it as a storage for their stuff. Even if the train is not full, there are still people on the train. There are still other people who will want to sit there.

2. Look Before You Sit

If your child sees a chair beside a door, don’t let them sit down before checking if there’s anyone behind it or in front of it first! Always check first before sitting down, and if they don’t see anyone sitting there, then they can sit down. Your child also has to be mindful of people’s legs and belongings.

3. Give Your Seat to Elderly People

When your children see an elderly person sitting in a seat, it is best for them if they give the seat to them. The same rule also applies to pregnant women.

4. Respect People’s Privacy

Your children have to respect people’s privacy when they are on public transport. If someone is standing beside them, then don’t stare at them or start talking to them.

It is not okay to stare at people or talk to them in public transport because this is a very personal space for other people too! Your children can definitely ask them if they need help when you see them struggling with their stuff on the train, but only if they need help.

5. Know When to Get off the Train

5 Lessons Your Child Needs to Learn before Taking Public Transport Alone
Photo by Free Photos on Pexels

This is the most important thing, because you wouldn’t want your kid to miss their stop because they get lost on their phone or are daydreaming.

It is also important to know when to get off the train, because it’s not always okay to get off the train just because you want to. If they miss their stop and don’t get off the train, then they will have to wait for the next one.

Practicing your child’s independence is important for their development. Find more useful parenting tips on Mature Parent!