What You Need To Know About Late Talkers And Speech Delay

First published: 7 December 2021 @ 6:00 pm

It’s never fun to hear your child is a late talker. This may be because you know it’s a condition that has serious consequences for speech development and learning.

But many parents aren’t sure what they can do to help their child catch up and speak as soon as possible.

Late talkers and speech delay are common conditions that affect many children. If your kid is struggling with either of these conditions, there are things you can do to help them along.

What You Need To Know About Late Talkers And Speech Delay
Photo by Jerry Wang on Unsplash

What Is a Late Talker?

Late talkers are kids who tend to speak later than their peers, especially when compared to other kids in the same age group. For example, your 1-year-old may not be able to say their name yet, but other 1-year-olds can probably say it by now.

Many parents are worried about their late talkers because they don’t want them to miss out on things like making friends or participating in social activities.

Some parents of late talkers may also worry that their child will not learn how to talk properly and develop speech and language skills as well as social skills.

This can be a concern for parents because they may feel like their child isn’t progressing as quickly as other kids in the same age group.

But it’s important to remember that late talkers are not necessarily delayed in their language development. They just tend to talk later than other kids in the same age group.

Kids who are late talkers have also been found to have differences in the way they use sounds when they speak.

These differences can cause delays in their speech development, which may affect them when it comes time for school or talking with friends and family members.

What is a Speech and Language Delay?

Speech and language delay is a term used to describe a group of speech and language disorders that affect children’s ability to speak and understand what they are saying.

A kids with speech and language delay may be able to say some words but not others. They may also have trouble following directions or using expressive language for themselves in other ways.

Speech disorders in children can also cause delays in learning how to read, write, or do math.

What Causes Speech or Language Delays?

There are many different reasons why a child may be a late talker or have speech and language delay.

The cause of the condition may caused by genetic, neurological, or environmental factors. There are also many different types of speech and language delay.

Kids with speech and language delays may have trouble understanding what they hear, processing the sounds they hear, forming words correctly, speaking clearly, or even talking at all.

Some kids may not speak until later in life due to medical conditions such as cleft lip and palate or hearing loss. Others may be late talkers due to physical problems such as allergies or motor skills issues.

Some kids simply need more time to learn how to speak. It’s important to remember that it’s never your child’s fault if they are a late talker or have speech and language delay.

What You Need To Know About Late Talkers And Speech Delay
Photo by Les Anderson on Unsplash

Signs Of Late Talker And Speech Delay

Concerned parents often wonder if there are any signs that their kid is struggling with either of these conditions. If you suspect your kid is delayed, there are some common signs you should look out for:

  • Your kid has difficulties with speech when saying their name, even after months of trying.
  • They can’t say two- or three-word sentences by the time they are 3 years old.
  • Your kid does not seem to be interested in learning how to talk properly. They may also have problems saying their ABCs, numbers, and names.
  • They may have problems saying certain consonants or vowels in words

What Should Parents Do if They Suspect Their Child is a Late Talker?

If you suspect your child is a late talker, here are some things you can do to help them catch up:


Work with an Occupational Therapist (OT) or a Speech Therapist who specializes in helping children with speech disorders. Your OT may recommend learning new ways of speaking that will make it easier for your child to learn how to speak correctly.

Learn as much as you can about the specific cause of your child’s delay. There are many possible causes, so it’s important that you understand why they may be struggling in school and with learning how to communicate effectively.

Seek medical advice if you believe there is something wrong with your child’s brain or nervous system that may be causing their delay in language development or learning how to speak correctly.

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy is a common treatment for speech and language delay. A speech therapist will work with your child to improve their communication skills.

They may help your child practice using the right vocabularies, improving their grammar, and strengthening their vocal cords. They may also work with your child to improve their listening skills, so they can better understand what you are saying.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is another common treatment for language delay. A physical therapist will work with your child to improve how they use their muscles, develop muscle tone, and gain strength in the right places.

This will help them speak correctly without getting tired or making mistakes in how they say things.

Proper Nutrition

Your child’s diet may play a role in their ability to learn how to speak correctly. They may need to eat more foods that will help them develop stronger muscles and bones, and may need more of certain vitamins and minerals.

Healthy Environment

It’s important that your child has a healthy, safe environment where they can learn how to speak correctly. They may need more help from adults or older siblings in some situations.

If your child is learning how to read, it’s important that they have books they can easily reach. They may also need to be taught to speak clearly, so their words are understood by others.

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